Friday, December 16, 2005

So much for the work restriction. I'm totally off of work now. I went to see the physical medicine doctor on Tuesday and was diagnosed with pelvic separation (SPD) and bursitis in both of my hips. I had a steroid injection in my right hip because that one was so bad. They aren't going to do the other injection until mid January because it's the same steroid that they use when you go into pre term labor to make the baby's lungs develop faster and they said they didn't want to "push mother nature". There's nothing that they can do for the SPD, that won't get better until after the baby is born and my body stops producing the hormones that are causing it in the first place. They told me that I need to rest often and preferrably on my left side. Well, that's the hip that hurts, so that doesn't happen too often. I start physical therapy on Monday for the bursitis though. Hopefully it helps.

When I went into my appointment I told them that I was currently on a restriction for work and they told me that they were taking me off of work until after the baby was born. They said the more active that I am, the more pain I will be in. Since there's nothing that I can take for the pain besides Tylenol, they need me to rest as much as possible. They said not total bed rest because that would just cause problems of it's own, but basically for every hour that I'm active, I need about a half hour of rest. I also can't drive. That's going to be a pain.

I went into work yesterday to fill out my timesheet and drop off some paperwork to my supervisor. I was going to clean off my desk but Steph said that it was already taken care of. I emailed a coworker to thank her and appologize for the mess. She replied with "sure". I'm glad that people think I'm faking this to get out of work. I'd gladly work over the feeling of someone stabbing me in the crotch with a knife every time I move my legs.

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